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首頁 > 產品展示 > > sterlitech > sterlitech 陶瓷膜 Ceramic Membranes

sterlitech 陶瓷膜 Ceramic Membranes

描述:Sterlitech ceramic membranes are inorganic membrane disc filters designed for laboratory scale applications. They are 2.5 mm thick and available in both 47mm and 90 mm diameters.


Sterlitech ceramic membranes are inorganic membrane disc filters designed for laboratory scale applications. They are 2.5 mm thick and available in both 47mm and 90 mm diameters. These ceramic membranes are designed for microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration cutoffs and are all designed for dead-end filtration as well.

The support material for this laboratory filtration equipment is titania and the ceramic membrane is ZrO2 - TiO2.

孔徑 直徑 包裝 片 價格 品牌
47M014 0.14 um 47 5 3125.62 sterlitech
47M020 0.2 um 47 5 3125.62 sterlitech
47M045 0.45 um 47 5 3125.62 sterlitech
47M080 0.8 um 47 5 3125.62 sterlitech
47M140 1.40 um 47 5 3125.62 sterlitech
47N001 1 KD 47 5 3364.47 sterlitech
47N003 3 KD 47 5 3364.47 sterlitech
47N005 5 KD 47 5 3364.47 sterlitech
47N008 8 KD 47 5 3364.47 sterlitech
47U015 15 KD 47 5 3327.75 sterlitech
47U050 50 KD 47 5 3327.75 sterlitech
47U150 150 KD 47 5 3327.75 sterlitech
47U300 300 KD 47 5 3327.75 sterlitech
90M014 0.14 um 90 5 9192.75 sterlitech
90M020 0.2 um 90 5 9192.75 sterlitech
90M045 0.45 um 90 5 9192.75 sterlitech
90M080 0.8 um 90 5 9192.75 sterlitech
90M140 1.40 um 90 5 9192.75 sterlitech
90N001 1 KD 90 5 10571.62 sterlitech
90N003 3 KD 90 5 10571.62 sterlitech
90N005 5 KD 90 5 10571.62 sterlitech
90N008 8 KD 90 5 10571.62 sterlitech
90U015 15 KD 90 5 10112.11 sterlitech
90U050 50 KD 90 5 10112.11 sterlitech
90U150 150 KD 90 5 10112.11 sterlitech
90U300 300 KD 90 5 10112.11 sterlitech


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