字幕一区二区视频日韩 精品 字幕,久久久亚洲无码毛片,欧美黄色网视频少妇电影在线视频,无码不卡视屏



描述:ABgene代理,ABgene上海代理,ABgene北京代理,ABgene 總代理,ABgene一級代理,ABgene國內代理


ABgene代理,ABgene上海代理,ABgene北京代理,ABgene 總代理,ABgene一級代理,ABgene國內代理

ABgene作為Thermo fisher Scientific旗下一員, 提供業內的專門用于PCR 和Q-PCR 的分子生物學試劑、塑料耗材及小型儀器,這些產品目前在藥物發現、基因組學研究、法醫學研究等領域被廣泛使用,而且部分種類(如熒光定量PCR 試劑盒,PCR 板,熱封膜等)已成為上眾多醫療檢測機構和生命科研單位的產品。此外,ABgene 還為生物貯存提供了完整的解決方案,包括從普通的生物樣品存檔到大規模的生物材料建檔。

OpenBiosystemsHCL4517HEK293T cell line1 each
OpenBiosystemsHMR5872Human lentiviral microRNA shMIMIC Non-Silencing control1 each
OpenBiosystemsHMR5881Human lentiviral microRNA shMIMIC Empty vector - viral particles (kit of 2x25ul)2x25 µL
OpenBiosystemsIHS1380Incyte Full Length Human cDNA Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsIPS5428viPS-EF1a-TurboGFP20 µL
OpenBiosystemsIPS5445viPS Kit Mouse Feeders3 vials
OpenBiosystemsIPS5449viPS Vector Kit - 6 pluripotency factors plus control1 each
OpenBiosystemsMBC1249PirPlus DH10bF\'DOT chemically competent Cell1 each
OpenBiosystemsMBC3995PirPlus DH10bpir116 chemically competent Cell1 each
OpenBiosystemsMBT4353Bovine MGC Verified FL cDNA1 each
OpenBiosystemsMDR1734Zebrafish full length clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsMDR1738IMCB Zebrafish Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsMDR1739IMCB Zebrafish Library1 each
OpenBiosystemsMDR3952ZGC Fully Sequenced Zebrafish cDNA Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsMDR4775Zebrafish MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQL)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMDR4778Zebrafish MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS1010Human MGC Verified FL cDNA (IRAT)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS1011Human MGC Verified FL cDNA (IRAU)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS1768Human MGC PCR-Rescued cDNA1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4426Human MGC Verified FL cDNA (IRCM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4768Human MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQL)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4771Human MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4836Human FL cDNA Set - GPCR1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4837Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - GPCR1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4863Human FL cDNA Set - Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4864Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4865Human FL cDNA Set - Transcription Factor1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4866Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Transcription Factor1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4906Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Cell Cycle1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4908Human FL cDNA Set - Transporter1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4909Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Transporter1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4911Human FL cDNA Set - Nuclear Receptor1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4912Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Nuclear Receptor1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4923Human FL cDNA Set - Growth Factor1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4924Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Growth Factor1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4927Human FL cDNA Set - Cytokine1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4928Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Cytokine1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS4938Human FL cDNA Set - Ion Channel1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5002Human FL cDNA Set - Phosphatase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5003Human FL cDNA Set - Ubiquitin1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5004Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Phosphatase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5005Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Ubiquitin1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5007Human FL cDNA Set - Plasma Membrane1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5008Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Plasma Membrane1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5010Human FL cDNA Set - Insulin Receptor Signaling1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5024Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Ion Channel1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5025Human FL cDNA Set - Peptidase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5026Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Peptidase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5027Human FL cDNA Set - Protein Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5028Human FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Protein Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5843MGC (all Clone including IRAT  IRAU  IRCB  IRCM  IRQL and IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS5844MGC (expression-ready Clone from IRAT  IRAU  IRCB  IRCM  IRQL and IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMHS6278MGC Human TRIM50 Sequenced-Verified cDNAeach
OpenBiosystemsMMM1013Mouse MGC Verified FL cDNA (IRAV+IRAW)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM4769Mouse MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQL)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM4772Mouse MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM5083Mouse FL cDNA Set - GPCRs1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM5084Mouse FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - GPCRs1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM5172Mouse FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM5173Mouse FL cDNA (pCMV) Set - Transcription Factors1 each
OpenBiosystemsMMM5644MGC Mouse collection complete  Glycerolglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsMRN1768Rat MGC Verified FL cDNA1 each
OpenBiosystemsMRN4770Rat MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQL)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMRN4776Rat MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMRN5085Rat FL cDNA Set - GPCRs1 each
OpenBiosystemsMRN5645MGC Rat collection complete1 each
OpenBiosystemsMXL1736XGC Full Length Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsMXL1737XGC Fully Sequenced  Xenopus laevis cDNA Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsMXL4773Xenopus laevis MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQL)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMXL4777Xenopus laevis MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQM)1 each
OpenBiosystemsMXT1764XGC Fully Sequenced Xenopus tropicalis cDNA Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsMXT1765cDNA: XGC Xenopus tropicalis verfied FL clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsMXT4774Xenopus tropicalis MGC verified FL cDNA (IRQL)1 each
OpenBiosystemsOCE1182C. elegans ORF Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsOCE4518C. elegans ORF Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOCE4818C. elegans Transcription Factor Clone - E. coli1 each
OpenBiosystemsOCE4819C. elegans Transcription Factor Collection - E. coli1 each
OpenBiosystemsOCE4820C. elegans Transcription Factor Strain - Yeast1 each
OpenBiosystemsOCE4821C. elegans Transcription Factor Collection - Yeast1 each
OpenBiosystemsODR5433Zebrafish ORFeome Collaboration Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC4626E. coli SPA-Tagged Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC4627E. coli SPA-Tagged Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC4629E. coli TAP-Tagged Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC4630E. coli TAP-Tagged Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC4987E. coli Keio Knockout Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC4988E. coli Keio Knockout Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsOEC5042E. coli Keio Knockout Parent Strain - BW251131 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS1770Human ORF Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4103Human Entry ORF Set - Cell Cycle1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4108Human Entry ORF Set - Transcription Factor1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4112Human Entry ORF Set - Oxygen Binding1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4297CCSB Human ORFeome Collection (Releases 1+2)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS4464Human Synthesized ORF Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4766Human synthesized ORF clone (IRCV)1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4838Human Entry ORF Set - GPCR1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4910Human Entry ORF Set - Transporter1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4913Human Entry ORF Set - Nuclear Receptor1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4922Human Entry ORF Set - Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4925Human Entry ORF Set - Growth Factor1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4929Human Entry ORF Set - Cytokine1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4939Human Entry ORF Set - Ion Channel1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS4941Human Entry ORF Set - Phosphatase1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5016Human Entry ORF Set - Plasma Membrane1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5029Human Entry ORF Set - Peptidase1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5030Human Entry ORF Set - Protein Kinase1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5031Human Entry ORF Set - Ubiquitin1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5177CCSB Human ORFeome Collection (Releases 1+2+3)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS5221ORFeome Collaboration Complete Human Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS5832Precision LentiORF RFP control (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS5833Precision LentiORF RFP control - viral particles2x25 µL
OpenBiosystemsOHS5834Precision LentiORF Expression transfection starter kit1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5835Precision LentiORF Expression transduction starter kit1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5836Precision LentiORF Expression viral particle starter kit1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5893Human ORFeome Collaboration Clone (with native stop codon) - glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5894Human ORFeome Collaboration Clone (without native stop codon) - glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5897Precision LentiORF individual clone (with native stop codon) - glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5898Precision LentiORF individual clone (without native stop codon) - glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5899Precision LentiORF individual clone (with native stop codon) - viral particles1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS5900Precision LentiORF individual clone (without native stop codon) - viral particles1 each
OpenBiosystemsOHS6067Precision LentiORF Human Library  - with and without stop codons (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6068Precision LentiORF Human Library - without native stop codons  (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6069Precision LentiORF Human Library - with native stop codons  (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6084hORFeome v8.1 Clone glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6084 hORFeome v8.1 Clone glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6085CCSB-Broad Lentiviral Expression Cloneglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6086hORFeome v8.1 Libraryglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6086 hORFeome v8.1 Libraryglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6087CCSB-Broad Lentiviral Expression Libraryglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6088ORFeome Collaboration Human Library  - with native stop codons (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6088 ORFeome Collaboration Human Library  - with native stop codons (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6089ORFeome Collaboration Human Library  - without native stop codons  (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6089 ORFeome Collaboration Human Library  - without native stop codons  (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6090hORFeome v8.1 OC Supplemental Libraryglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6269CCSB-Broad Lentiviral Expression Clone - Mutantglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6270CCSB-Broad Lentiviral Expression Clone - Unsequencedglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6271CCSB-Broad Lentiviral Expression Clone - Partially Sequencedglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOHS6271 CCSB-Broad Lentiviral Expression Clone - Partially Sequenced1 each
OpenBiosystemsOMM4760Mouse ORFeome Collaboration Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsOMM4767Mouse synthesized ORF clone (IRCW)1 each
OpenBiosystemsOMM5222ORFeome Collaboration Mouse Complete Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsOMM5895Mouse ORFeome Collaboration Clone (with native stop codon) - glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsOMM5896Mouse ORFeome Collaboration Clone (without native stop codon) - glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsPCE1181C. elegans Promoters Library1 each
OpenBiosystemsPCE1182C. elegans Promoters Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsPEC3876E. coli Promoter Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsPEC3877E. coli Promoter Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsPRM5038Decode RNAi-GIPZ: shRNA amplification and sequencing primer kit-200 reactions200 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsPRM5040Decode RNAi-GIPZ: shRNA amplification and sequencing primer kit-600 reactions600 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsPRM6060Decode Negative Selection Barcode Primer Kit (800 rxn)1 Kit
OpenBiosystemsPRM6178Decode Indexing PCR and Sequencing Primer Kit1 each
OpenBiosystemsPRM6178 Decode Indexing PCR and Sequencing Primer Kit1 kit
OpenBiosystemsRCE1181C. elegans RNAi Collection V1.11 each
OpenBiosystemsRCE1182C. elegans RNAi V1.1 Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS1704pSM2 Retroviral Empty Vector shRNA Control (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS3979TRC human shRNA individual clone - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4012TRC Lentiviral Human shRNA Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS4080pLKO.1 empty vector control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4287RNAintro GIPZ lentiviral shRNAmir transfection starter kit - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4332TRC Human Druggable Genes shRNA library - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4335b-gal Transfection Efficiency Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4346GIPZ Lentiviral Non-silencing shRNA Negative Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4348GIPZ Lentiviral Non-silencing shRNA Negative Control - viral particles25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS4349GIPZ Empty Lentiviral Vector Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4351GIPZ Empty Lentiviral Vector Control - viral particles25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS4371GIPZ GAPDH Lentiviral shRNA Positive Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4372GIPZ GAPDH Lentiviral shRNA Positive Control - viral particles25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS4430GIPZ Human Lentiviral shRNA Individual Clone - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4459TRC Lentiviral eGFP shRNA positive control- glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4480GIPZ EG5 Lentiviral shRNA Positive Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4502TRC Lentiviral Human  and Mouse shRNA Collection (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS4531GIPZ Human Lentiviral shRNA target gene set - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4533TRC (pLKO.1) Human Lentiviral shRNA target gene set - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4584GIPZ EG5 Lentiviral shRNA Positive Control - viral particles25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS4696TRIPZ Human Inducible Lentiviral shRNA individual clone - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4697TRIPZ Human Inducible Lentiviral shRNA Library  Releases 8.1-8.14 (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4740TRIPZ Human Inducible Lentiviral shRNA target gene set - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4741TRIPZ Inducible shRNA Transfection Starter Kit - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4743TRIPZ Inducible Non-silencing shRNA Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4744TRIPZ GAPDH Inducible Lentiviral shRNA Positive Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4750TRIPZ Inducible Lentiviral Empty Vector shRNA Control - glycerol stock1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4827TRIPZ Inducible Non-silencing shRNA Control - viral particles25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS4828GIPZ Human shRNA Validated Cancer Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS4872TRC Angiogenesis Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4875TRC Apoptosis Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4878TRC Cell Cycle Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4881TRC GPCR Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4884TRC Kinase Activity Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4887TRC Phosphatase Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4890TRC Transcription Factors Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4893TRC Ubiquitin Ligases Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4896TRC Ubiquitin Human shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS4930TRIPZ GAPDH Inducible Lentiviral shRNA Positive Control - viral particles25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS4973pSMP Retroviral Empty Vector shRNA Control (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS5086GIPZ Lentiviral shRNA Transduction Starter Kit (glycerol kit)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS5087TRIPZ shRNA Packaging Starter Kit (glycerol kit)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS5143TRC Cancer Genes shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS5338Decode Pooled Lentiviral shRNA Library - Positive Selection Kit1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS5339Decode Pooled Lentiviral shRNA Library - Negative Selection Kit1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS6037GIPZ Human Whole Genome shRNA Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6038GIPZ Human Phosphatase Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6039GIPZ Human Protein Kinase Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6040GIPZ Human Ubiquitin Conjugation Subset 1 Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6041GIPZ Human Ubiquitin Conjugation Subset 2 Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6042GIPZ Human Ubiquitin Conjugation Subset 3 Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6043GIPZ Human GPCR Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6044GIPZ Human Protease Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6045GIPZ Human Ion Channel Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6046GIPZ Human Drug Targets Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6047GIPZ Human Rest of Genome shRNA Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6054GIPZ Human De-ubiquitinating Enzymes Gene Family Library Rev2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6062GIPZ Human Druggable Genome shRNA Library Rev 2012glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRHS6076Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Ubiquitin Conjugation Library (viral particles)2 x 25 µl
OpenBiosystemsRHS6077Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Phosphatase Library (viral particles)2 x 25 µl
OpenBiosystemsRHS6078Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Kinase Library (viral particles)2 x 25 µl
OpenBiosystemsRHS6079Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Ion Channels Library (viral particles)2 x 25 µl
OpenBiosystemsRHS6080Decode Pooled Human GIPZ GPCR Library (viral particles)2 x 25 µl
OpenBiosystemsRHS6081Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Protease Library (viral particles)2 x 25 µl
OpenBiosystemsRHS6082Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Druggable Library (viral particles)4 x 25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS6083Decode Pooled Human GIPZ Whole Genome Library (viral particles)4 x 25 µL
OpenBiosystemsRHS6371TRIPZ Human Genome Inducible Lentiviral shRNA Library V.2 (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRHS6848TRC Lentiviral Non-targeting shRNA Control (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM3981TRC Lentiviral Human shRNA Individual (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4013TRC mouse genome-wide shRNA Collection (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4431GIPZ Mouse Lentiviral shRNA Individual Clone (glycerol)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4532GIPZ Lentiviral Mouse shRNA Gene Set (glycerol set)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4534Mouse pLKO.1 Lentiviral target Gene shRNA Set (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4558TRC Mouse Druggable Genes shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4756GIPZ shRNA Viral Particle Starter Kit (viral particles set)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4914GIPZ Mouse shRNA Kinase Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4944GIPZ Mouse Angiogenesis Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4945GIPZ Mouse Apoptosis Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4946GIPZ Mouse Cell Cycle Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4947GIPZ Mouse GPCR Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4948GIPZ Mouse Kinase Activity Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4949GIPZ Mouse Phosphatase Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4950GIPZ Mouse Transcription Factors Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4951GIPZ Mouse Ubiquitin Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4952GIPZ Mouse Ubiquitin Ligase Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM4953TRC Angiogenesis Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4954TRC Apoptosis Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4955TRC Cell Cycle Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4956TRC GPCR Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4957TRC Kinase Activity Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4958TRC Phosphatase Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4959TRC Transcription Factors Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4960TRC Ubiquitin Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM4961TRC Ubiquitin Ligases Mouse shRNA Gene Family Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM5104GIPZ Mouse Annotated Genes shRNA Library glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM5144GIPZ Mouse Cancer Genes Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM5146TRC Mouse Cancer Genes shRNA Library (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsRMM5204GIPZ Mouse Druggable Genes Gene Family Library (glycerol)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsRMM5829GIPZ Lentiviral Mouse shRNA Libraryglycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsTLP5912Trans-Lentiviral shRNA Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate10 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5913Trans-Lentiviral shRNA Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate50 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5914Trans-Lentiviral shRNA Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate100 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5915Calcium Phosphate Transfection Reagent50 rxn
OpenBiosystemsTLP5916Trans-Lentiviral ORF Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate 10 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5917Trans-Lentiviral shRNA Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate and HEK293T10 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5918Trans-Lentiviral ORF Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate and HEK293T10 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5919Trans-Lentiviral ORF Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate 50 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsTLP5920Trans-Lentiviral ORF Packaging Kit with Calcium Phosphate 100 rxn kit
OpenBiosystemsVGH5518GIPZ Human Lentiviral shRNA Individual Clone (viral particles)1 each
OpenBiosystemsVGH5526GIPZ shRNA Viral Particle Starter Kit (viral particles set)1 each
OpenBiosystemsVGM5520GIPZ Mouse Lentiviral shRNA Individual Clone (viral particles)1 each
OpenBiosystemsVSH5841shMIMIC Lentiviral Human microRNA Particles (2 x 25µL)2x25 µL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6185SMART Human shMIMIC hCMV/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6186SMART Human shMIMIC hCMV/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6187SMART Human shMIMIC hCMV/GFP200 µL200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6188SMART Human shMIMIC hCMV/RFP200 µL200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6189SMART Human shMIMIC mCMV/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6190SMART Human shMIMIC mCMV/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6191SMART Human shMIMIC mCMV/GFP200 µL200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6192SMART Human shMIMIC mCMV/RFP200 µL200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6193SMART Human shMIMIC hEF1a/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6194SMART Human shMIMIC hEF1a/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6195SMART Human shMIMIC hEF1a/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6196SMART Human shMIMIC hEF1a/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6197SMART Human shMIMIC mEF1a/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6198SMART Human shMIMIC mEF1a/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6199SMART Human shMIMIC mEF1a/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6200SMART Human shMIMIC mEF1a/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6201SMART Human shMIMIC UBC/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6202SMART Human shMIMIC UBC/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6203SMART Human shMIMIC UBC/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6204SMART Human shMIMIC UBC/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6205SMART Human shMIMIC CAG/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6206SMART Human shMIMIC CAG/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6207SMART Human shMIMIC CAG/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6208SMART Human shMIMIC CAG/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6209SMART Human shMIMIC PGK/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6210SMART Human shMIMIC PGK/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6211SMART Human shMIMIC PGK/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSH6212SMART Human shMIMIC PGK/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6213SMART Mouse shMIMIC hCMV/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6214SMART Mouse shMIMIC hCMV/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6215SMART Mouse shMIMIC hCMV/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6216SMART Mouse shMIMIC hCMV/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6217SMART Mouse shMIMIC mCMV/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6218SMART Mouse shMIMIC mCMV/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6219SMART Mouse shMIMIC mCMV/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6220SMART Mouse shMIMIC mCMV/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6221SMART Mouse shMIMIC hEF1a/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6222SMART Mouse shMIMIC hEF1a/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6223SMART Mouse shMIMIC hEF1a/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6224SMART Mouse shMIMIC hEF1a/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6225SMART Mouse shMIMIC mEF1a/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6226SMART Mouse shMIMIC mEF1a/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6227SMART Mouse shMIMIC mEF1a/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6228SMART Mouse shMIMIC mEF1a/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6229SMART Mouse shMIMIC UBC/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6230SMART Mouse shMIMIC UBC/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6231SMART Mouse shMIMIC UBC/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6232SMART Mouse shMIMIC UBC/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6233SMART Mouse shMIMIC CAG/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6234SMART Mouse shMIMIC CAG/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6235SMART Mouse shMIMIC CAG/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6236SMART Mouse shMIMIC CAG/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6237SMART Mouse shMIMIC PGK/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6238SMART Mouse shMIMIC PGK/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6239SMART Mouse shMIMIC PGK/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSM6240SMART Mouse shMIMIC PGK/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6241SMART Rat shMIMIC hCMV/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6242SMART Rat shMIMIC hCMV/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6243SMART Rat shMIMIC hCMV/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6244SMART Rat shMIMIC hCMV/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6245SMART Rat shMIMIC mCMV/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6246SMART Rat shMIMIC mCMV/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6247SMART Rat shMIMIC mCMV/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6248SMART Rat shMIMIC mCMV/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6249SMART Rat shMIMIC hEF1a/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6250SMART Rat shMIMIC hEF1a/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6251SMART Rat shMIMIC hEF1a/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6252SMART Rat shMIMIC hEF1a/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6253SMART Rat shMIMIC mEF1a/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6254SMART Rat shMIMIC mEF1a/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6255SMART Rat shMIMIC mEF1a/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6256SMART Rat shMIMIC mEF1a/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6257SMART Rat shMIMIC UBC/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6258SMART Rat shMIMIC UBC/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6259SMART Rat shMIMIC UBC/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6260SMART Rat shMIMIC UBC/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6261SMART Rat shMIMIC CAG/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6262SMART Rat shMIMIC CAG/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6263SMART Rat shMIMIC CAG/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6264SMART Rat shMIMIC CAG/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6265SMART Rat shMIMIC PGK/GFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6266SMART Rat shMIMIC PGK/RFP100 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6267SMART Rat shMIMIC PGK/GFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsVSR6268SMART Rat shMIMIC PGK/RFP200 µL, 10^8 TU/mL
OpenBiosystemsYSC1021Yeast: Yeast Knock Out Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1048Yeast Parental Strain - BY47411 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1049Yeast Parental Strain - BY47421 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1050Yeast Parental Strain - BY47431 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1053Yeast MATa Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1054Yeast MATalpha Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1055Yeast Heterozygous Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1056Yeast Homozygous Diploid Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1057Yeast Essential Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1058Yeast W303 MATa Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1059Yeast W303 MATalpha Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1060S288C1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1061Yeast Parental Strain BY47301 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1062Yeast Parental Strain BY47391 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1068Yeast HA Tag Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1070Yeast HA Tag Individual Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1071Yeast W303 Heterozygous Diploid Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1073Yeast Insertional Mutant Clone1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1074Yeast Insertional Mutant Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1177TAP Tagged ORF Collection.1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1178TAP Tagged strain (endogenous promoter)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1180Yeast Tet-promoters Hughes(yTHC)Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1182Yeast Tet-promoters Hughes Collection (yTHC) KIT1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1201Yeast mTn plasmid collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1202Yeast mTn plasmid1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1210Yeast Tet-promoters Hughes Parental Strain - R11581 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1247Yeast TAP-Fusion Membrane Protein Subset1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC1764Y800 Parental Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC3867Yeast ORF Clone (E. coli)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC3868Yeast ORF Collection (E. coli)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC3869Yeast ORF Clone (yeast)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC3870Yeast ORF Collection (Yeast)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC3880Yeast ORF Host Strain (Y258)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC4423Yeast GST-Tagged Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC4515Yeast GST-Tagged Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC4613Yeast Genomic Tiling Collection - Glycerol1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5034Yeast Genomic Tiling vector - pGP564 (glycerol stock)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5049Yeast Cross & Capture System Collection Bait MATa1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5050Yeast DAmp Library for 970 essential genes - diploid1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5089Part of YSC5849  --  Yeast Protein Interactome Collection - Bait F[1 2]1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5090Yeast DAmP Library for 842 essential genes - haploid1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5091Part of YSC5849 --  Yeast Protein Interactome Collection - Prey F[3]1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5092Yeast Cross & Capture System Collection Prey MATalpha1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5093Yeast DAmP individual strain - diploid1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5094Yeast DAmP individual strain - haploid1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5095Yeast Cross & Capture strain - Bait  MATa1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5096Yeast Cross & Capture strain - Prey MATalpha1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5097Yeast Protein Interactome - Individual Bait F[1 2]1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5098Yeast Protein Interactome - Individual Prey F[3]1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5103Yeast Genomic Tiling Collection Assay Ready Pooled DNA (kit)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5105Non Essential Histone H3 & H4 Mutant Individual Strain (Yeast)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5106Non Essential Histone H3 & H4 Mutant Collection (Yeast)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5108Yeast YFP Fusion Kinase Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5117Yeast Barcoder Collection MATa1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5135Histone H3 & H4 Mutant Collection (Bacteria)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5136Histone H3 & H4 Mutant Individual Strain (Bacteria)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5138Essential Histone H3 & H4 Mutant Individual Strain (Yeast)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5139Essential Histone H3 & H4 Mutant Collection (Yeast)1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5431Molecular Barcoded Yeast (MoBY) ORF Strain (glycerol stock)glycerol stock
OpenBiosystemsYSC5432Molecular Barcoded Yeast (MoBY) ORF Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5470Yeast Histone Mutant Rescue Plasmid pJP111 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC5849Yeast-Interactome Collection1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC6272Yeast MATalpha Knock Out Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC6273Yeast MATa Knock Out Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC6274Yeast HetDip Knock Out Strain1 each
OpenBiosystemsYSC6275Yeast HomDip Knock Out Strain 1 each
Pierce6002iuvo™ Microchannel 5250 Assay Plate, 1 plate1 plate
Pierce6006iuvo™ Chemotaxis Assay Plate, 1 plate1 plate
Pierce15031ELISA Plates, 96-well (strip, corner notch), clear100 plates
Pierce15036Sealing Tape for 96-Well Plates, pre-cut100 sheets
Pierce1504196-Well Polystyrene Plates, Corner Notch 100 plates
Pierce1504296-Well Polystyrene Plates, White Opaque25 plates
Pierce1504596-Well Plates for BCA-RAC Assay 5 plates
Pierce15075Reagent Reservoirs, 50mLPKG OF 200
Pierce15082Microtube Racked Systems10 RACKS/PKG
Pierce15086Microtubes (not racked)960/PKG
Pierce15088Microtube 8-Cap Strips120/PKG
Pierce15100Amine-binding, Maleic Anhydride Activated Plates (clear, 8-well strips)PKG OF 5
Pierce15102Amine-binding, Maleic Anhydride Activated Plates (clear, 8-well strips), 5 × 5 ea5 X 5 EACH
Pierce15108Amine-binding, Maleic Anhydride Activated White 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15110Amine-binding, Maleic Anhydride Activated Plates (clear, 96-well)PKG OF 5
Pierce15112Amine-binding, Maleic Anhydride Activated Plates (clear, 96-well), 5 × 5 ea5 X 5 EACH
Pierce15116NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 96-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15117NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15118Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15119Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15120Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well strip, clearPKG OF 5
Pierce15121Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well strip, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15122Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well strip, clear25/PKG (5X5)
Pierce15123NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 96-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15124Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, clearPKG OF 5
Pierce15125Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15126Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, clearPKG OF 25
Pierce15128NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 96-well strip, clear5 PLATES/EA
Pierce15130Protein A Coated Clear 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15131Protein G Coated Clear 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15132Protein A Coated Strip Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15133Protein G Coated Strip Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15134Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Coated Clear 96-well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15135Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Coated Plates, 96-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15136Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Coated Plates, 96-well, white 5 PLATES
Pierce15137Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Coated Plates, 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15138Protein A/G Coated Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15140Pierce Glutathione Coated Strip Plates, (8-well strips)5 PLATES
Pierce15142Nickel Coated Plates, 96-Well Strip, Clear5 PLATES
Pierce15143Copper Coated, High Binding Capacity Plates (clear, 96-well)5 PLATES
Pierce15144Anti-GST Coated Plates, Clear, 8-Well Strip 5 plates
Pierce15146Copper Coated, High Binding Capacity Plates (clear, 8-well strips)5 PLT, STRIP
Pierce15147Copper Coated, High Binding Capacity Plates (white, 96-well)5 PLATES
Pierce15148Copper Coated, High Binding Capacity Plates (black, 96-well)5 PLATES
Pierce15150Maleimide Activated Plates, Clear 8-well Strip Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15151Biotin Coated Plates, 96-well strip5 PLATES
Pierce15152Maleimide Activated White 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15153Maleimide Activated Black 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15154Protein A Coated White 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15155Protein A Coated Black 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15156Protein G Coated White 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15157Protein G Coated Black 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15159QuantaRed Enhanced Chemifluorescent HRP Substrate Kit110mL kit
Pierce15162QuantaBlu NS/K Substrate (for nonstopped and kinetic assays)Kit
Pierce15165HisProbe-HRP Conjµgate2 mg
Pierce15168SuperSignal West HisProbe Kit685mL kit
Pierce15169QuantaBlu Fluorogenic Peroxidase Substrate KitKit
Pierce15190Protein L Coated Clear 96-Well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15216NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 96-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15217NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15218Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15219Streptavidin Coated Plates, 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15234Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Coated White 96-well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15240Pierce Glutathione Coated Plates, (white, 96-well)5 PLATES
Pierce15242Nickel Coated Plates, 96-Well, White5 PLATES
Pierce15334Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Coated Black 96-well Plates5 PLATES
Pierce15340Pierce Glutathione Coated Plates, (black, 96-well)5 PLATES
Pierce15342Nickel Coated Plates, 96-Well, Black5 PLATES
Pierce15400NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 384-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15401NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 384-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15402NeutrAvidin Coated Plates, 384-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15405Streptavidin Coated Plates, 384-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15407Streptavidin Coated Plates, 384-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15442Nickel Coated Plates, 96-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15500Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC) , 96-well, clear 5 PLATES
Pierce15501Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC), 8-well strips, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15502Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC), 96-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15503Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC), 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15504Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC), 384-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15505Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC), 384-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15506Streptavidin Coated Plates (HBC), 384-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15507NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 96-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15508NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 8-well strips, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15509NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 96-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15510NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 96-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15511NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 384-well, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15512NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 384-well, white5 PLATES
Pierce15513NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (HBC), 384-well, black5 PLATES
Pierce15520Streptavidin Coated Plates (High Sensitivity) , 8-well strip, clear5 PLATES
Pierce15525Streptavidin Coated Plates (High Sensitivity) , 8-well strip, black5 PLATES
Pierce15530NeutrAvidin Coated Plates (High Sensitivity) , 8-well strip, clear5 PLATES
Pierce16100Pierce Glutathione Agarose10 mL
Pierce16101Pierce Glutathione Agarose100 mL
Pierce16102Pierce Glutathione Agarose500 mL.
Pierce16103Pierce Glutathione Spin Columns, 0.2mL0.2 mL X 25
Pierce16104Pierce Glutathione Spin Columns, 1mL1 mL X 5
Pierce16105Pierce Glutathione Spin Columns, 3mL3 mL X 5
Pierce16106Pierce GST Spin Purification Kit, 0.2mLKit
Pierce16107Pierce GST Spin Purification Kit, 1mLKit
Pierce16108Pierce GST Spin Purification Kit, 3mLKit
Pierce16109Pierce Glutathione Chromatography Cartridges, 1mL5 cartridges
Pierce16110Pierce Glutathione Chromatography Cartridges, 5mL2 cartridges
Pierce16111Pierce Glutathione Spin Plates2 plates
Pierce16116Active Rho Pull-Down and Detection KitKit
Pierce16117Active Ras Pull-Down and Detection KitKit
Pierce16118Active Rac1 Pull-Down and Detection KitKit
Pierce16119Active Cdc42 Pull-Down and Detection KitKit
Pierce16120Active Rap1 Pull-Down and Detection KitKit
Pierce16121Active Arf1 Pull-Down and Detection KitKit
Pierce16146pMCS-Gaussia Luc10 µg
Pierce16147pCMV-Gaussia Luc10 µg
Pierce16148pTK-Gaussia Luc10 µg
Pierce16149pMCS-Cypridina Luc10 µg
Pierce16150pCMV-Cypridina Luc10 µg
Pierce16151pTK-Cypridina Luc10 µg
Pierce16152pMCS-Green Renilla Luc10 µg
Pierce16153pCMV-Green Renilla Luc10 µg
Pierce16154pTK-Green Renilla Luc10 µg
Pierce16155pMCS-Red Firefly Luc10 µg
Pierce16156pCMV-Red Firefly Luc10 µg
Pierce16157pTK-Red Firefly Luc10 µg
Pierce16158Pierce Gaussia Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16159Pierce Gaussia Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16160Pierce Gaussia Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16161Pierce Gaussia Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16164Pierce Renilla Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16165Pierce Renilla Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16166Pierce Renilla Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16167Pierce Renilla Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16168Pierce Cypridina Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16169Pierce Cypridina Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16170Pierce Cypridina Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16171Pierce Cypridina Luciferase Glow Assay Kit1000-rxn Kit
Pierce16174Pierce Firefly Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16175Pierce Firefly Luciferase Flash Assay KitKit
Pierce16176Pierce Firefly Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16177Pierce Firefly Luciferase Glow Assay KitKit
Pierce16180Pierce Firefly Signal Enhancer (100X)Kit
Pierce16181Pierce Gaussia-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay KitKit
Pierce16182Pierce Gaussia-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay KitKit
Pierce16183Pierce Cypridina-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay KitKit
Pierce16184Pierce Cypridina-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay KitKit
Pierce16185Pierce Renilla-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay KitKit
Pierce16186Pierce Renilla-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay KitKit
Pierce16189Pierce Luciferase Cell Lysis Buffer (2X)250 mL
Pierce16190pMCS-Gaussia-Dura Luc10 µg
Pierce16191pCMV-Gaussia-Dura Luc10 µg
Pierce16192pTK-Gaussia-Dura Luc10 µg
Pierce17075North2South Biotin Random Prime DNA Labeling Kit10 RXN Kit
Pierce17097North2South Chemiluminescent Hybridization and Detection KitKit
Pierce17175North2South Complete Biotin Random Prime Labeling and Detection Kit Kit
Pierce17250DNA Coating Solution100 mL
Pierce17295North2South Chemiluminescent Substrate for HRP 100 mL Kit
Pierce17850Agarose I (Molecular Biology Grade)100 GM.
Pierce17852Agarose I (Molecular Biology Grade)500 GM.
Pierce17856Agarose II (Low Melt)100 GM.
Pierce17874Ammonium Persulfate4 X 25 GM
Pierce17888Sodium Acetate (3M)1 L
Pierce17890Tris/EDTA1 L
Pierce17892EDTA500 GM
Pierce17896Ethidium Bromide Solution (0.625mg/mL) 5 mL
Pierce17898Ethidium Bromide Solution (10mg/mL)5 X 10 mL.
Pierce17899Formamide100 mL
Pierce17904Glycerol1 L
Pierce17908Phenol:Chloroform + Tris Buffer100 mL
Pierce17909Phenol:Chloroform + Tris Buffer400 mL
Pierce17914Phenol, Saturated400 mL.
Pierce17916Proteinase K100 mg.
Pierce17919TEMED25 mL.
Pierce17926Tris1 kg
Pierce20036Bioconjµgate Techniques, 2nd EditionEA
Pierce20088Amino Acid Standard H10/1 mL
Pierce20148LightShift Chemiluminescent EMSA KitKit
Pierce20150Brij-35, 30% Solution950 mL
Pierce20151Immobilized V-8 Protease KitKit/EA
Pierce20158LightShift Chemiluminescent RNA EMSA KitKit
Pierce20160RNA 3' End Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce20163RNA 3' End Desthiobiotinylation KitKit
Pierce20164Magnetic RNA-Protein Pull-Down KitKit
Pierce20195Staphylococcus aureus V-8 Protease2500 U/5 mg
Pierce20211Pierce GST Agarose5 mL
Pierce20212Carboxypeptidase Y1 mg
Pierce20217EZ-Link NHS-Biotin100 mg
Pierce20219Pierce Avidin Agarose5 mL
Pierce20221Pierce Iminobiotin Agarose5mL
Pierce20225Pierce Avidin Agarose5 X 5 mL
Pierce20227Pierce Monomeric Avidin Agarose Kit, 2mLKit
Pierce20228Pierce Monomeric Avidin Agarose5 mL
Pierce20230Immobilized Trypsin, TPCK Treated2 mL GEL
Pierce20236Immobilized Carboxypeptidase Y2mL GEL
Pierce20237Pierce GST1 mg
Pierce20239Pierce GST10 X 1 mg
Pierce20244Pierce Boronic Acid Resin10mL
Pierce20259Pierce CDI-activated Agarose Resin10 mL
Pierce20266CarboxyLink Coupling Resin25 mL
Pierce20267Pierce Monomeric Avidin Agarose10 mL
Pierce20278Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Dye50 GM
Pierce20279Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 Dye50 GM
Pierce20290DTT (Dithiothreitol)5 GM
Pierce20291DTT (Dithiothreitol), No-Weigh Format48 TUBES
Pierce20307Pierce p-Aminophenyl Phosphoryl Choline Agarose5mL
Pierce20308SDS-Out SDS Precipitation KitKit
Pierce20320DCC100 GM
Pierce20325SulfoLink Immobilization Trial Kit, 2mLKit
Pierce20333Pierce Protein A Agarose5 mL
Pierce20334Pierce Protein A Agarose25 mL
Pierce20339Detoxi-Gel Endotoxin Removing Gel10 mL
Pierce20340Detoxi-Gel Endotoxin Removing Gel1000 mL
Pierce20341Immobilized Papain5mL
Pierce20343Pepsin Agarose5 mL
Pierce20344Detoxi-Gel Endotoxin Removing Columns, 1 mL5 X 1 mL
Pierce20347Streptavidin Agarose2 mL
Pierce20349Streptavidin Agarose5 mL
Pierce20351Streptavidin Agarose Columns, 1mL5 X 1 mL
Pierce20353Streptavidin Agarose10 mL
Pierce20356Pierce Protein A Columns, 1mL5 X 1 mL
Pierce20357High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose2 mL
Pierce20359High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose5 mL
Pierce20361High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose10 mL
Pierce20365Pierce Recombinant Protein A Agarose5 mL
Pierce20366Pierce Recombinant Protein A Agarose25 mL
Pierce20372Pierce D-Galactose Agarose5 mL
Pierce20381AminoLink Coupling Resin10 mL
Pierce20382AminoLink Coupling Resin50 mL
Pierce20394AminoLink Plus Immobilization Trial Kit, 2mLKit
Pierce20395Immobilized Jacalin5 mL
Pierce20397Pierce Protein G Agarose25 mL
Pierce20398Pierce Protein G Agarose2 mL
Pierce20399Pierce Protein G Agarose10 mL
Pierce20401SulfoLink Coupling Resin10 mL
Pierce20402SulfoLink Coupling Resin50 mL
Pierce20404SulfoLink Coupling Resin250 mL
Pierce20408Mercaptoethylamine-HCl6 X 6mg VIAL
Pierce20421Pierce Protein A/G Agarose3 mL
Pierce20422Pierce Protein A/G Agarose15 mL
Pierce20423Pierce Protein A/G Plus Agarose2 mL
Pierce20475AminoLink Plus Micro Immobilization Kit, 0.1mLKit
Pierce20485UltraLink Iodoacetyl Micro Peptide Coupling Kit, 0.1mLKit
Pierce20490TCEP-HCl1 g
Pierce20491TCEP-HCl10 g
Pierce20500Pierce Thiophilic Adsorbent10 mL
Pierce20501AminoLink Plus Coupling Resin10 mL
Pierce20504Sodium meta-Periodate25 GM
Pierce20505AminoLink Plus Coupling Resin50 mL
Pierce20510Pierce Protein L Agarose2 mL
Pierce20512Pierce Protein L Agarose10 mL
Pierce20520Pierce Protein L Plus Agarose2 mL
Pierce20589DST50 mg
Pierce20593DSG50 mg
Pierce20660DMA1 g
Pierce20665DTBP (Wang and Richard's Reagent)1 g
Pierce20673Dimethylformamide (DMF), Sequencing grade50 mL
Pierce20688Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), Sequencing Grade950 mL
Pierce20700DMS1 g
Pierce20907Citraconic Anhydride100 GM
Pierce21001Protein A IgG Binding Buffer1 L
Pierce21003Ninhydrin500 GM
Pierce21004IgG Elution Buffer1 L
Pierce21007Protein A IgG Binding Buffer3.75 LITERS
Pierce21009IgG Elution Buffer3.75 L
Pierce21011Protein G IgG Binding Buffer3.75 LITERS
Pierce21012Gentle Ag/Ab Binding Buffer, pH 8.03.75 LITERS
Pierce21013Gentle Ag/Ab Elution Buffer, pH 6.63.75 LITERS
Pierce21017IgM Elution Buffer500 mL
Pierce21018MBP Column Preparation Buffer50 mL
Pierce21019Protein G IgG Binding Buffer1 L
Pierce21020Gentle Ag/Ab Binding Buffer, pH 8.01000 mL
Pierce21027Gentle Ag/Ab Elution Buffer, pH 6.6500 mL
Pierce21028IgG Elution Buffer, pH 2.01L
Pierce21030Gentle Ag/Ab Binding and Elution Buffer Kit100 mL EACH
Pierce21050Pierce Western Blot Signal EnhancerKit
Pierce21059Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer500 mL
Pierce21062Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer, Trial Size30 mL
Pierce21063Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer5000 mL
Pierce21065Pierce Background Eliminator KitKit
Pierce21102Maleimide-Activated Streptavidin1 mg
Pierce21111Sulfo-KMUS50 mg
Pierce21115Pierce Biotinylated Protein Interaction Pull-Down KitKit
Pierce21120Hydrazide-Activated Streptavidin2 mg
Pierce21121Avidin10 mg
Pierce21122Streptavidin1 mg
Pierce21123Avidin, Horseradish Peroxidase Conjµgated2 mg
Pierce21124Streptavidin, Horseradish Peroxidase Conjµgated2 mg
Pierce21125Streptavidin5 mg
Pierce21126Streptavidin, Horseradish Peroxidase Conjµgated1 mg
Pierce21127Streptavidin, Horseradish Peroxidase Conjµgated5 mg
Pierce21128Avidin20 mg
Pierce21130High Sensitivity Streptavidin-HRP0.5 mL
Pierce21132High Sensitivity Streptavidin-HRP5 mL
Pierce21134High Sensitivity Streptavidin-HRP, Pre-Diluted2 mL
Pierce21135Streptavidin100 mg
Pierce21140Pierce Streptavidin Poly-HRP0.5 mL
Pierce21145Streptavidin1000 mg
Pierce21181Protein A5 mg
Pierce21184Recombinant Protein A5 mg
Pierce21186Recombinant Protein A/G5 mg
Pierce21189Recombinant Protein L1 mg
Pierce21193Recombinant Protein G5 mg
Pierce21217EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21218EZ-Link PFP-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21219EZ-Link TFP-PEG3-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21221Avidin, Fluorescein (FITC) Conjugated5 MG
Pierce21224Streptavidin, Fluorescein (FITC) Conjugated1 MG
Pierce21230Clean-Blot IP Detection Reagent (HRP)2.5mL
Pierce21232Clean-Blot IP Detection Kit (HRP)25-blot kit
Pierce21277Pierce His Protein Interaction Pull-Down KitKit
Pierce21303EZ-Link TFPA-PEG3-Biotin25 mg
Pierce21312EZ-Link NHS-PEG12-Biotin25 mg
Pierce21313EZ-Link NHS-PEG12-Biotin500 mg
Pierce21323Streptavidin, Alkaline Phosphatase Conjµgated3 mg
Pierce21324Streptavidin, Alkaline Phosphatase Conjµgated1 mg
Pierce21326EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-Biotin, No-Weigh FormatEA (8 X 1mg)
Pierce21327EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin, No-Weigh FormatEA (8X1 mg)
Pierce21328EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin, No Weigh FormatEA (8 X 1mg)
Pierce21329EZ-Link NHS-PEG4-Biotin, No-Weigh Format8 X 2 mg
Pierce21330EZ-Link NHS-PEG4-Biotin25 mg
Pierce21331EZ Link Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin100 mg
Pierce21333EZ-Link Iodoacetyl-LC-Biotin50 mg PKG.
Pierce21334EZ-Link Iodoacetyl-PEG2-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21335EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin100 mg
Pierce21336EZ-Link NHS-LC-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21338EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-LC-LC-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21339EZ-Link Hydrazide-Biotin100 mg
Pierce21340EZ-Link Biotin-LC-Hydrazide50 mg
Pierce21341EZ-Link HPDP-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21343EZ-Link NHS-LC-LC-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21344MagnaBind Streptavidin Beads5 mL
Pierce21345EZ-Link Pentylamine-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21346EZ-Link Amine-PEG2-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21347EZ-Link Amine-PEG3-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21348MagnaBind Protein A Beads5 mL.
Pierce21349MagnaBind Protein G Beads5 mL.
Pierce21352MagnaBind Amine Derivatized Beads5 mL
Pierce21353MagnaBind Carboxyl Derivatized Beads5 mL
Pierce21354MagnaBind Goat Anti-Mouse IgG50 mL
Pierce21356MagnaBind Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG50 mL
Pierce21357MagnaBind Magnet for 1.5mL Microcentrifµge TubeEA
Pierce21358MagnaBind Magnet for 96-Well Plate SeparatorEA
Pierce21359MagnaBind Magnet for 6 Microcentrifµge TubesEA
Pierce21360EZ-Link Hydrazide-PEG4-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21362EZ-Link NHS-PEG4-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21363EZ-Link NHS-PEG4-Biotin1000 mg
Pierce21425EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21435EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21440EZ-Link NHS-PEG Solid-Phase Biotinylation Kit - 1mL ColumnKit
Pierce21441EZ-Link NHS-SS-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21442EZ-Link NHS-SS-PEG4-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21445EZ-Link Sulfo NHS-SS Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21450EZ-Link NHS-PEG Solid-Phase Biotinylation Kit - Mini-Spin ColumnsKit
Pierce21451ANB-NOS50 mg
Pierce21455EZ-Link NHS-PEG4 Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21516Pierce GST Protein Interaction Pull-Down KitKit
Pierce21525DFDNB50 mg
Pierce21555DSS1 g
Pierce21558SMPT50 mg/PKG.
Pierce21565EGS1 g
Pierce21566Sulfo-EGS50 mg PKG.
Pierce21578DTSSP50 mg
Pierce21580BS350 mg
Pierce21581BS(PEG)5100 mg
Pierce21582BS(PEG)9100 mg
Pierce21585BS3, No-Weigh Format8 X 2 mg
Pierce21586BS31 g
Pierce21590BS3-d010 mg
Pierce21595BS3-d410 mg
Pierce21600BSOCOES50 mg
Pierce21610BS2G-d010 mg
Pierce21615BS2G-d410 mg
Pierce21627Streptavidin, R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated1 ML
Pierce21629Streptavidin, Allophycocyanin Conjugated0.5 ML
Pierce21650Sulfo-LC-SPDP50 mg
Pierce21651LC-SPDP50 mg
Pierce21655DSS50 mg
Pierce21658DSS, No-Weigh Format8 X 2 mg
Pierce21666DMP50 mg
Pierce21667DMP1 g
Pierce21724Streptavidin, Rhodamine (TRITC) Conjugated1 MG
Pierce21830DyLight 350 Phalloidin 300 Units300 units
Pierce21831Streptavidin, DyLight 405 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce21833DyLight 488 Phalloidin, 300 Units300 units
Pierce21834DyLight 554 Phalloidin 300 Units300 UNITS
Pierce21835DyLight 550 Phalloidin, 300 Units300 units
Pierce21836DyLight 594 Phalloidin, 300 Units300 units
Pierce21838DyLight 650 Phalloidin, 300 Units300 units
Pierce21839DyLight 680 Phalloidin, 300 Units300 units
Pierce21840DyLight 633 Phaloidin, 300 Units300 units
Pierce21842Streptavidin, DyLight 594 Conjugated1 ML(1MG/ML)
Pierce21844Streptavidin, DyLight 633 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce21851Streptavidin, DyLight 800 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce21857SPDP50 mg
Pierce21900EZ-Link BMCC-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21901EZ-Link Maleimide PEG2-Biotin50 mg
Pierce21902EZ-Link Maleimide-PEG2-Biotin, No-Weigh Format8 X 2 mg
Pierce21911EZ-Link Maleimide-PEG11-Biotin25 mg
Pierce21925EZ-Link Micro Sulfo-NHS-Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21930EZ-Link Maleimide-PEG Solid-Phase Biotinylation Kit - Mini-Spin ColumnsKit
Pierce21935EZ-Link Micro Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21945EZ-Link Micro Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce21955EZ-Link Micro NHS-PEG4-Biotinylation KitKit
Pierce22030Biotin-Fluorescein Conjugate5 MG
Pierce22101AEDP50 mg
Pierce22102SM(PEG)2100 mg
Pierce22103SM(PEG)21000 mg
Pierce22104SM(PEG)4100 mg
Pierce22105SM(PEG)6100 mg
Pierce22106EMCH50 mg
Pierce22107SM(PEG)41000 mg
Pierce22108SM(PEG)8100 mg
Pierce22111KMUH50 mg
Pierce22112SM(PEG)12100 mg
Pierce22113SM(PEG)121000 mg
Pierce22114SM(PEG)24100 mg
Pierce22122Sulfo-SMCC1 g
Pierce22212Mannan Binding Protein Agarose10 mL
Pierce22295AMAS50 mg
Pierce22297BMPH50 mg
Pierce22298BMPS50 mg
Pierce22299TFCS50 mg
Pierce22301PDPH50 mg
Pierce22305MPBH50 mg.
Pierce22306EMCA1 g
Pierce22307Sulfo-EMCS50 mg
Pierce22308EMCS50 mg
Pierce22309GMBS50 mg
Pierce22311MBS50 mg
Pierce22312Sulfo-MBS50 mg
Pierce22317Sulfo-SMPB50 mg
Pierce22322Sulfo-SMCC50 mg
Pierce22323BMOE50 mg
Pierce22324Sulfo-GMBS50 mg
Pierce22327Sulfo-SIAB50 mg
Pierce22329SIAB50 mg
Pierce22330BMH50 mg
Pierce22331BMB50 mg
Pierce22335DTME50 mg
Pierce22336BM(PEG)250 mg
Pierce22337BM(PEG)350 mg
Pierce22339SBAP50 mg
Pierce22341MS(PEG)4100 mg
Pierce22342MS(PEG)41000 mg, 1GM
Pierce22349SIA50 mg
Pierce22360SMCC50 mg
Pierce22362LC-SMCC50 mg
Pierce22363SMPH50 mg
Pierce22416SMPB50 mg
Pierce22424TMS(PEG)121000 mg
Pierce22509MS(PEG)8100 mg
Pierce22582DTNB (Ellman's Reagent)5 GM
Pierce22585DSP (Lomant's Reagent)1 g
Pierce22586DSP (Lomant's Reagent)50 mg
Pierce22589Sulfo-SANPAH50 mg
Pierce22610L-Photo-Leucine100 mg
Pierce22615L-Photo-Methionine100 mg
Pierce22622Sulfo-SMCC, No-Weigh Format8 X 2 mg
Pierce22660Pierce 660nm Protein Assay Reagent750 mL- EA
Pierce22663Ionic Detergent Compatibility Reagent5 x 1 g
Pierce22685MS(PEG)12100 mg
Pierce22686MS(PEG)121000 mg
Pierce22687MS(PEG)24100 mg
Pierce22711MM(PEG)12100 mg
Pierce22712MM(PEG)121000 mg
Pierce22713MM(PEG)24100 mg
Pierce22810Pierce Protein A Plus Agarose1 mL
Pierce22811Pierce Protein A Plus Agarose5 mL
Pierce22812Pierce Protein A Plus Agarose25 mL
Pierce22831NeutrAvidin, DyLight 405 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce22832NeutrAvidin, DyLight 488 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce22842NeutrAvidin, DyLight 594 Conjugated1 ML (1MG/ML
Pierce22844NeutrAvidin, DyLight 633 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce22848NeutrAvidin, DyLight 680 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce22851Pierce Protein G Plus Agarose2 mL
Pierce22852Pierce Protein G Plus Agarose10 mL
Pierce22853Neutravidin, DyLight 800 Conjugated1 ML
Pierce22858Dye Removal ColumnsKit
Pierce22860Low-Fluorescence PVDF Transfer Membrane, 0.2µm, 7cm x 8.4cm10 PACK
Pierce22980EDC5 GM
Pierce22981EDC25 GM
Pierce23011MMTS200 mg
Pierce23013SPB50 mg
Pierce23030N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM)25 GM
Pierce23200Coomassie (Bradford) Protein Assay Kit950 mL
Pierce23215Compat-Able Protein Assay Preparation Reagent KitKit
Pierce23221BCA Protein Assay Reagent A250 mL
Pierce23222BCA Protein Assay Reagent A3.75 L
Pierce23223BCA Protein Assay Reagent A1000 mL
Pierce23224BCA Protein Assay Reagent B25 mL
Pierce23225BCA Protein Assay KitKit
Pierce23227BCA Protein Assay KitKit
Pierce23228BCA Protein Assay Reagent A500 mL
Pierce23229Compat-Able BCA Protein Assay KitKit
Pierce23230BCA Solid25 GM
Pierce23231Micro BCA Reagent A (MA)240 mL
Pierce23232Micro BCA Reagent B (MB)240 mL
Pierce23234Micro BCA Reagent C (MC)12 mL
Pierce23235Micro BCA Protein Assay Kit480 ASSAYS
Pierce23236Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay Kit950 mL
Pierce23238Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay Reagent300 mL
Pierce23239Compat-Able Coomassie Plus Protein Assay KitKit
Pierce23240Modified Lowry Protein Assay KitKit
Pierce23250BCA Protein Assay Kit - Reducing Agent CompatibleKit
Pierce23252Microplate BCA Protein Assay Kit - Reducing Agent Compatible275mL kit
Pierce23259Glycoprotein Standards SetKit
Pierce23260Glycoprotein Carbohydrate Estimation KitKit
Pierce23263Colorimetric Protease Assay Kit Kit
Pierce23266Fluorescent Protease Assay KitKit
Pierce23267FITC-Casein1000 ASSAYS
Pierce23270Phosphoprotein Phosphate Estimation Assay Kit Kit
Pierce23280Quantitative Peroxide Assay Kit (Aqueous)Kit
Pierce23281Peroxide Assay Reagent A1 mL
Pierce23282Peroxide Assay Reagent B50 mL
Pierce23283Peroxide Assay Reagent C25 mL
Pierce23285Quantitative Peroxide Assay Kit (Lipid)Kit
Pierce23300Easy-Titer Mouse IgG Assay KitKit
Pierce23305Easy-Titer Rabbit IgG Assay KitKit
Pierce23310Easy-Titer Human IgG (H+L) Assay KitKit
Pierce23315Easy-Titer Human IgM Assay KitKit
Pierce23325Easy-Titer Human IgG (gamma chain) Assay KitKit
Pierce23456Controlled Protein-Protein Crosslinking KitKit
Pierce23460Sulfhydryl Addition KitKit
Pierce23500Pierce Far-Western Blot Kit for Biotinylated ProteinsKit
Pierce23620Pierce c-Myc-Tag IP/Co-IP KitKit
Pierce24110Guanidine-HCl500 GM
Pierce241158M Guanidine-HCl Solution200 mL
Pierce24500NHS25 GM
Pierce24510Sulfo-NHS500 mg
Pierce24520Sulfo-NHS, No-Weigh Format8 X 2 mg
Pierce24525Sulfo-NHS5 G
Pierce24562Pierce Glycoprotein Staining KitKit
Pierce24565O-GlcNAc Western Blot Detection KitKit
Pierce24570Pierce 6xHis Protein Tag Stain Reagent SetKit
Pierce24580Pierce Reversible Protein Stain Kit for Nitrocellulose MembranesKit
Pierce24582Pierce Zinc Reversible Stain KitKit
Pierce24585Pierce Reversible Protein Stain Kit for PVDF MembranesKit
Pierce24590GelCode Blue Stain Reagent500 mL
Pierce24592GelCode Blue Stain Reagent3500 mL
Pierce24594GelCode Blue Safe Protein Stain1 L
Pierce24596GelCode Blue Safe Protein Stain3.5 LITER
Pierce24597Pierce Color Silver Stain KitEA
Pierce24600Pierce Silver Stain for Mass SpectrometryKit
Pierce24612Pierce Silver Stain KitKit
Pierce24614Silver Stain Rescue ReagentKit
Pierce24615Imperial Protein Stain1000 mL
Pierce24617Imperial Protein Stain3 X 1 L
Pierce24620PageBlue Protein Staining SolutionEA = 1L
Pierce25003Heptafluorobutyric Acid (HFBA), Sequencing Grade100 mL
Pierce25104Pyridine (PY), LC-MS Grade100 GM
Pierce25108Triethylamine (TEA), Sequencing Grade100 GM
Pierce25200Precise Protein Gels, 8%, 10-WellKit
Pierce25201Precise Protein Gels, 10%, 10-Well10 GELS
Pierce25202Precise Protein Gels, 12%, 10-WellKit
Pierce25203Precise Protein Gels, 8-16%, 10-WellKit
Pierce25204Precise Protein Gels, 4-20%, 10-WellKit
Pierce25214HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Agarose10 mL
Pierce25215HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Agarose50 mL
Pierce25216HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Agarose250 mL
Pierce25217HisPur Ni-NTA Superflow Agarose1000 mL
Pierce252194-20% Precise Protein Gel Trial Kit (12-Well)Kit
Pierce25220Precise Protein Gels, 8%, 12-WellKit
Pierce25221Precise Protein Gels, 10%, 12-WellKit
Pierce25222Precise Protein Gels, 12%, 12-WellKit
Pierce25223Precise Protein Gels, 8-16%, 12-WellKit
Pierce25224Precise Protein Gels, 4-20%, 12-WellKit
Pierce25228HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose10 mL
Pierce25229HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose50 mL
Pierce25230HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose250 mL
Pierce25231HisPur Cobalt Superflow Agarose1000 mL
Pierce25236Glutathione Superflow Agarose10 mL.
Pierce25237Glutathione Superflow Agarose50 mL
Pierce25238Glutathione Superflow Agarose250 mL
Pierce25239Glutathione Superflow Agarose1000 mL
Pierce25240Precise Protein Gels, 8%, 15-WellKit
Pierce25241Precise Protein Gels, 10%, 15-WellKit
Pierce25242Precise Protein Gels, 12%, 15-WellKit
Pierce25243Precise Protein Gels, 8-16%, 15-WellKit
Pierce25244Precise Protein Gels, 4-20%, 15-WellKit
Pierce252458% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 10-well 10 PACK
Pierce2524610% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 10-well 10 PACK
Pierce2524712% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 10-well 10 PACK
Pierce252488-16% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 10-well 10 PACK
Pierce252494-20% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 10-well 10 PACK
Pierce252508% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 12-well 10 PACK
Pierce2525110% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 12-well 10 PACK
Pierce2525212% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 12-well 10 PACK
Pierce252538-16% Tris-Glycine Gels, 10 x 10cm, 12-well 10 PACK







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