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首頁 > 產品展示 > > SPR-2 > SPR-2傳感器芯片


描述:由德國Sierra Sensors公司生產,SPR-2的傳感芯片采用黃金棱鏡設計,將黃金棱鏡固定在支架上。這種設計不需要用戶在安裝時對流動相進行匹配的繁瑣操作,直接插拔,操作方便并保證了分析結果準確性重現性好。Sierra Sensors提供多種表面修飾的傳感芯片,靶分子可以直接或間接包被到芯片表面。

  • 產品名稱:SPR-2傳感器芯片(貨號:Affinity Sensors )
  • 型號規(guī)格:Affinity Sensors
  • 品牌:德國Sierra Sensors公司
  • 詳細信息

    由德國Sierra Sensors公司生產,SPR-2的傳感芯片采用黃金棱鏡設計,將黃金棱鏡固定在支架上。這種設計不需要用戶在安裝時對流動相進行匹配的繁瑣操作,直接插拔,操作方便并保證了分析結果準確性重現性好。Sierra Sensors提供多種表面修飾的傳感芯片,靶分子可以直接或間接包被到芯片表面。

    SPR-2 傳感芯片
    Affinity Sensors for SPR-2                        Underivatized gold covered quartz surface ready for application of user-defined linker chemistries or target coatings
    Affinity Sensor SPR2-DT                                              A rigid, low non-specific binding planar PEG based mixed SAM surface with accessible carboxyl groups for linkage of test and capture molecules through a variety of coupling protocols
    Affinity Sensor SPR2-MT                      A general purpose planar PEG based monothiol mixed SAM surface with accessible carboxyl groups for attachment of test and capture molecules through a variety of coupling protocols
    Custom Affinity SensorsSierra sensors is continuously investigating and developing new sensor surfaces, and when possible will manufacture custom surface upon request. Please contact your sales representative if you have request or idea for a specific sensor surface.


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