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品名:5-hydroxymethyl-2'-deoxycytidine-5'-triphosphate Lithium Salt

Product Specifications
Batch details:
Pack Size: 25μmol
Concentration: 100mM
Presentation: 1 x 250μl
Batch No: See vial
Storage Conditions:
Hydroxymethyl dCTP can be stored for 24 months at -20°C. Avoid multiple freeze/thaw cycles. For long-term storage, aliquoting is recommended.
Shipping Conditions:
On Dry Ice or Blue Ice

Product Insert
100mM Hydroxymethyl dCTP
Molecular Weight:

• >99% pure by HPLC
• Readily incorporated by standard DNA polymerases
• Hydroxymethylated substrates can be ligated by standard ligases
• DNase, RNase and Nickase free
• Available exclusively from Bioline, manufactured in our purpose-built lab


• Site-Directed Mutagenesis
• Substitution of dCTP in a wide variety of molecular biology assays
• Structural and activity studies of the restriction/modification systems of different organisms
• Labelling of DNA in vitro
• Methylation studies
• Studies of Hydroxymethylated DNA/protein interaction

Bioline has developed a novel method for producing highly purified Hydroxymethyl dCTP. Using a unique enzymatic synthesis method, Bioline have been able to mimic the biological steps in the synthesis of Hydroxymethyl dCTP from T-even phages. Highly purified Hydroxymethyl dCTP can be used in a number of molecular biological applications.
Hydroxymethyl dCTP can be used as a substrate for several DNA polymerases under conditions that permit the amplification of DNA containing hydroxymethylated cytosine in place of cytosine. Hydroxymethyl dCTPs can be used to discriminate between the different DNA molecules synthesized in one or several PCR cycles. By the use of appropriate enzymes, it is possible to separate the un-hydroxymethylated starting material from the hemihydroxymethylated intermediate (produced by a single primer extension reaction) and from the fully-hydroxymethylated end product.
This ability to generate PCR products in which cytosine is uniformly replaced by hydroxymethylated cytosine can be applied to: (a) forensic DNA analysis, (b) the development of novel strategies for site-directed mutagenesis and (c) the production of DNA fragments resistant to cleavage by a wide range of restriction endonucleases, useful in the generation of cDNA libraries.


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