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NonInvasive Technologies公司產(chǎn)品介紹

描述:NonInvasive Technologies™ was founded to provide the life scientist and the clinical investigator with a noninvasive means of obtaining



image003.jpg (11239 bytes)NonInvasive Technologies™ was founded to provide the life scientist and the clinical investigator with a noninvasive means of obtaining significant numbers of somatic cells from humans or animals for investigational and diagnostic purposes.  This technology is based on the discovery by Dr. Padmanabhan Nair (formerly with the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, USDA) in the late 1980's that cells shed from the wall of the colon into the fecal stream form an ideal source of somatic cells for the noninvasive study of human cellular physiology in health and disease.  The SCSR system, optimized for room temperature preservation and transport of samples, enables the investigator to obtain viable cells in their native state, retaining the antigenicity of cell surface markers (proteins), mRNA of  expressed genes, and genomic DNA.  As a platform technology this approach opens up new opportunities in the life sciences. 


Key Personnel


Padmanabhan Nair, Ph.D. (Click for CV) Founder and President of the company, has over 50 years of research experience in the biomedical field.  He has held several positions in academia and in the US government .  He was a Fulbright scholar to the Johns Hopkins University McCollum-Pratt Institute, elected Fellow of the AAAS and is a member of several prestigious professional societies.  For 21 years he was Director of Medical Research at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.  For over a decade he was associated with the USDA's Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center.  He is currently Adjunct Professor of International Health at the Johns Hopkins University.

Prasanna Nair, M.D., M.P.H.F.A.A.P.Vice-President, has been on the faculty of the Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, for 41 years.  She is Professor of Pediatrics, a clinician, educator, epidemiologist, and researcher.  Her research has focused on early-intervention in substance-abusing women and their infants, vertical transmission of HIV, and care of HIV-exposed infants and children. She was inducted into the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame in 2007.




Coprocytobiology™, the exfoliative cytobiology of the gastrointestinal tract, is a novel, noninvasive approach to the study of the pathophysiology of the alimentary tract, using cells shed into the large bowel.  This technology provides the investigator a noninvasive means of sampling viable somatic cells representing the entire organism.




Catalog NumberProduct
(USD )
Ten Subject Cell Isolation Kit  
(click for instructions

Includes 200 ml dispersing solution, 100 ml cushion, 10 collection tubes each with 15 ml preservative  & mixing beads, 10 filters, 10 mesh bags
SCSR-TPreservation and Transport Medium -200 ml 
click for instructions)
A general purpose preservative and room-temperature transport medium for biological samples,  formulated to maintain the integrity and viability of eukaryotic cells for downstream analysis. Use with SCSR-010 kit for larger sample sizes or multiple aliquot isolations.
SCSR-CStep-gradient Cushion - 100 ml
For 10 additional cell isolations


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