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描述:SunnyLab makes your life easier by offering a quick, convenient shop for your protein needs.

訂購請:4006551678  fige007
About SunnyLab
SunnyLab makes your life easier by offering a quick, convenient shop for your protein needs. Working with the research and development community in both academia and industry, we want to provide you with more than simply an online store but also act as a forum for an exchange of ideas and an exchange of protein products.
Using our service, you'll have access to:
  • Pure human proteins are dispensed in handy size packs for research and development users.
  • Disease state plasma and serum is dispensed in handy size vials.
  • Normal serum and plasma units from a few ml to litre volumes.
  • Human pure transferrins for use in making cell culture media.
  • Serum or plasma specifically depleted in a protein, for use in controls & QA.
  • Antibodies, both polyclonal and monoclonal to match our antigens.
  • Respond to your needs by working hard to supply items we didn’t previously stock.
  • A talk shop where you can share with like-minded people.


Everything protein online
SunnyLab makes your life easier by offering a quick, convenient shop for your protein needs. Working with the research and development community in both academia and industry, we want to provide you with more than simply an online store but also act as a forum for an exchange of ideas and an exchange of protein products.



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