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Selectively desulphated heparins

描述:ctively desulphated heparins

These heparin products have been made from high quality heparin modified by standard chemical methods to selectively remove sulfate groups from C2 of Iduronate, (De2S H


Selectively desulphated heparins

These heparin products have been made from high quality heparin modified by standard chemical methods to selectively remove sulfate groups from C2 of Iduronate, (De2S Hep), C6 of glucosamine (De6SHep) or the N-sulfate of Glucosamine (DeNS Hep). The DeNS heparin contains the free amino group (NH+3); in DeNS/Ac Hep the free amino group has been modified by acetylation. 

This range of desulphated heparins is complemented by our series of sulphated K5 polysaccharides in which the internal uronate is glucuronic acid (GlcUA) in the native unmodified structure.


DSH001/22-O-Desulphated Heparin2mg2750iduron
DSH002/66-O Desulphated Heparin2mg3250iduron
DSH003/NN-Desulphated Heparin2mg2125iduron
DSH004/NacN-Desulphated re N-Acetylated Heparin2mg3250iduron
DSH005/pNPartially N Desulphated heparin2mg3250iduron




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