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首頁 > 產品展示 > > CENP-B抗原 > CENP-B antigen

CENP-B antigen

描述:Identity:Major centromere autoantigen B, centromere protein B.Source Material:Recombinant.Clinical Indications:Autoantibodies present in systemic sclerosis (CREST syndrome), systemic lupus erythematos


Version/Date: A/08.04.14
Product: CENP-B antigen, human recombinant 
Synonym: Major centromere autoantigen B, centromere protein B 
E.C. No.: n.a. 
CAS Registry No.: not available 
Catalog No.: ATC02-02, ATC02-05, ATC02-10 
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AROTEC Diagnostics Limited, 10 Hutt Road, Petone, P.O. Box 38586 Wellington Mail Centre, Wellington 5045, New Zealand 
+64-4-5690361 ¬ +64-4-5690366 : info@arodia.com
Composition Information 
Chemical Formula/Composition: N/A 
Physical Description: Clear, colourless liquid/frozen liquid 
Stability/Reactivity: Stable. Hazardous decomposition or polymerization will not occur. 
Hazard Identification(s) 
Hazards identified with this product are those associated with the following component(s): 
Glycerol, DNase, RNase and Protease free 
CAS Registry No.: 56-81-5 
Concentration: 20% v/v 
Potential Health Effects: 
Eye: May cause mild eye irritation. 
Skin: May cause mild skin irritation. Low hazard for usual laboratory handling. 
Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea and diarrhoea. May cause 
headache. Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. 
Inhalation: Low hazard for usual laboratory handling. Inhalation of mist of this material 
may cause respiratory tract irritation. 
Chronic: May cause kidney injury. 
Potential hazards identified with this product are those associated with the title component 
(CENP-B antigen) and with following buffer and stabilising components present at 
concentrations at which they are not normally considered to be hazardous: 
Component CAS Registry No. Concentration 
4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid 
7365-45-9 <0.5% 
Phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride 329-98-6 <0.002% 
Dithiothreitol 3483-12-3 <0.005% 
Micr-O-protect 64-17-5 
Version/Date: A/08.04.14
Product: , human recombinant 
Synonym: Major centromere autoantigen B, centromere protein B 
E.C. No.: n.a. 
CAS Registry No.: not available 
Catalog No.: ATC02-02, ATC02-05, ATC02-10 
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AROTEC Diagnostics Limited, 10 Hutt Road, Petone, P.O. Box 38586 Wellington Mail Centre, Wellington 5045, New Zealand 
+64-4-5690361 ¬ +64-4-5690366 : info@arodia.com
Toxicological Information: 
Toxicological properties have not been fully investigated. May be harmful by ingestion, 
inhalation or skin contact. May cause allergic or autoimmune reactions. 
Storage and Handling 
Store according to instructions on product and/or package insert. 
Avoid contact with material. Wear protective equipment (protective clothing, chemicalresistant gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection) when handling. 
Spill or Release of Material: 
Wear protective equipment. 
Absorb liquid on dry sand, diatomite, vermiculite or other drying agent and place in closed 
container for disposal. 
Ventilate area and wash spill site after material absorption is complete. 
Waste Disposal: 
Incinerate or landfill as complies with state and local laws for biological materials. 
First Aid Procedures 
Substance in Contact with Skin: 
Remove contaminated clothing and rinse with copious amounts of soap and water for a 
considerable amount of time. Seek medical aid if irritation develops or persists. 
Substance has been Swallowed: 
If victim is conscious rinse mouth several times with water, do not swallow. Call a physician or 
take victim to hospital. 
Substance in Contact with Eyes: 
Rinse with copious amounts of water for a considerable time. Seek medical aid if irritation 
develops or persists. 
Substance has been Inhaled: 
Take victim into the fresh air and allow to rest. Call a physician or take victim to hospital. 
Additional Instructions: 
Observe proper laboratory instructions when handling this material. 
***************************************************************************************** AROTEC_CENP-B_MSDS.pdf 
Version/Date: A/08.04.14
Product: , human recombinant 
Synonym: Major centromere autoantigen B, centromere protein B 
E.C. No.: n.a. 
CAS Registry No.: not available 
Catalog No.: ATC02-02, ATC02-05, ATC02-10 
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AROTEC Diagnostics Limited, 10 Hutt Road, Petone, P.O. Box 38586 Wellington Mail Centre, Wellington 5045, New Zealand 
+64-4-5690361 ¬ +64-4-5690366 : info@arodia.com
Fire Fighting Measures 
General Information 
Structural fire-fighting gear and self-contained breathing apparatus will provide adequate 
protection if this product is in a fire area. 
Extinguishing Media 
In case of fire use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or chemical foam. 
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards 
The information provided in this Material Safety Data Sheet is furnished in good faith and 
without warranty of any kind. Personnel handling this material must consider these data only 
as supplemental to other information gathered by them and must make independent 
determinations of the suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure 
proper use and disposal of the materials and the safety and health of employees and 
customers. AROTEC Diagnostics Limited assumes no liability or responsibility resulting from 
the use of, or reliance on, this information. 


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